About IPMTA:
International Professional Muay Thai Association IPMTA is a Pro Muay Thai & Kickboxing organization established by Master Yousef Ali Darvishi in Iran ( 7th Dan Kickboxing-13rd Khan Muay Thai,3rd Dan Kyoukushin Karate, Black such Chines Kung Fu (Wushu).
Founder & president of GKBMTA (Golestan Kickboxing & Muay Thai Academy) since 1993,Founder & president IPKBA & IPMTA since 2000
First Holder & promoter of International Kickboxing Pro-Am Championship in Iran 1995 (Turkmistan-Iran)
Founder Kickboxing & Muay Thai in Golestan Province of Iran
IKAS kickboxing Representative 3 years - WKF kickboxing Representative 7 years,S1 Muay Thai promoter ,IMC-MuayThai promoter in Iran ,home of IPMTA and later on developed not only in Iran but in the world..
The IPMTA is an enormous organization which contains three sub organizations, International Professional Kickboxing Association IPKBA and International Professional Muay Thai Association IPMTA.
The IPMTA's operation is not only organizing and promoting championships, but also their projects include Muay Thai & Kickboxing seminars and exhibitions Rank and Judge & Referee. The IPMTA is official Member of WMF & EMF Europe Muay Thai federations and has also good Relation and cooperation with many international organizations such as , , S1 Championships ,,IMC-Muay Thai..
IPMTA athletes are in top form and professionally trained physically that have Representative in many countriws.